Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Today I decide to write an entry in my journal, a practice I hope I can continue on a daily basis.

Today began like any ordinary Sunday, until Mom broke out into some form of emotional breakdown. We were planning to go to Sunday School until this happened. We ended up just going to the service at Redland Baptist Church. This was actually the very first time I have ever heard my Mom say that she wanted to just die, a thought that actually comes to me a rather disturbingly frequent basis. Things would be so much easier if we simply did not continue to live. We wouldn't have any worries or anything like that. I know I can get depressed rather easily. Although I may think that death is an easy route, I have absolutely no intention of ending my own life. I am learning to trust God, the Creator of the universe, to bring peace to my soul that only He can bring. I am beginning to learn to really trust and obey Him.

I am also beginning to try to start organizing Andrew's bachelor party. Need to work out mainly just place and date.

I also found out that Katherine Farrell is engaged to be married. I am just trusting that God will bring a lady into my life that I can marry. I just want someone to love like that, someone to hold close, to snuggle with, to stroke her hair, to stroke her soft skin, to buy her chocolate and roses, to smell her hair, to wake up and say "I love you, and you are so beautiful", to go grocery shopping with, to carry her whenever I want while she screams and hollers against it, to dance with. Maybe I'm just one of those hopeless romantics.

I have also decided that I should keep a journal of my Bible reading. Just my thoughts and convictions. I also decided to compile a sort of document of my favorite Bible passages. I have also decided that I should read more.

I then commenced with my political science homework. How fun. I'm not sure if I really like online classes, although I must confess that the workload seems to be lighter. But I like direct interaction and discussion in the classroom, especially for subjects that I find intriguing and even entertaining.

I then went to work for four hours. Kind of silly to go to work for that short time.

After work, I finished up my political science homework, and thus my day ended.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Well, today I decided to write an entry for my journal. Maybe I can try to keep it up.

Today started out like any ordinary day: with the thought that I knew I had to go to work.

Dad woke both Daniel and I to help him with some things around the yard. I then came in and got some breakfast and mostly goofed off until 11 when I had to go to work. I did find out that Sarah Jayne is engaged to be married. This actually makes me feel somewhat depressed. I must confess that I might have been attracted to Sarah Jayne through our trip to Europe. And we are also the same age and graduated together. But yet, she is getting married, and I am still so alone. How long must I be so alone? It seems that everyone around me is getting married, and I do not have anyone at all. What's wrong with me? What am I doing wrong? But as a side note, I still find Sarah Jayne a beautiful lady and very attractive, I do not have feelings for her like I might have had in the past.

Work was very much the same. Except for the fact that we did have some some early excitement. A customer crashed into the new release endcap, and the whole endcap came crashing down, movies and all. It was actually quite funny. We did have to fix that.

Not much else happened except that I came to two realizations. The first is that the common attitude of men towards women disgusts me, and that the fact that many women accept this treatment and attitude as something that is pleasing or acceptable and do nothing to prevent or discourage it but rather aid it also disgusts me. Come on people. Women are not simply tools of sexual desire. I believe that both sides are at fault.

The second is that mankind has lost all sense of common courtesy. It is sad when people cannot put things back where they found them. Why not just put it back correctly? And people do not care if you wish to maybe walk faster than themselves. For example, a person can be walking down the middle of an aisle very, very slowly. They know that you are there behind them and you actually have somewhere to go, but will not simple alter their course by deviating to the right a little bit. My goodness. There are many other signs that the world is doomed to disrespect, but these are on my mind at the present moment.

When I cam home, I basically did some more goofing off until I went to bed.